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Rustus is a production-ready TUS protocol implementation that helps you handle file uploads.

This project has many features that make it easy to integrate with your existing infrastructure.


You can install rustus in four different ways.

From source

To build it from source rust must be installed. We don't rely on nightly features, you can use last stable release.

git clone
cd rustus
cargo install --path . --features=all

Also, you can speedup build by disabling some features.

Available features:

  • amqp_notifier - adds AMQP protocol support for notifying about upload status;
  • db_info_storage - adds support for storing information about upload in different databases (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite);
  • redis_info_storage - adds support for storing information about upload in Redis database;
  • all - enables all rustus features.

All precompiled binaries have all features enabled.

With cargo

If you have cargo installed, it might be easier to install it directly from

cargo install rustus --features=all


All precompiled binaries available on Github releases page. You can download binaries from here, unpack it and run.


Make sure you download right version for your CPU architecture and OS.

Using Docker

One of the most simple ways to run rustus is Docker.

Rustus has two containers for each version. 1. Debian based image 2. Alpine based image

Alpine based images are more lightweight than Debian

To run Rustus with Docker you just need to run this command

docker run --rm -p "1081:1081" -d s3rius/rustus --log-level "DEBUG"

More information about Rustus docker images you can find on Docker hub page.